Name of Palamau is said to have originated from three most common plants found here,P for palash or dhak,tesu.It is very common and grows on any uncultivated land.Plant parts are used at every occasion .
Medicinal Properties: Bark, seeds, flowers and gum are used in Ayurvedic formulations. Flowers of Palash (Tesu ke phool) were used in ancient India in beauty care recipes to improve complexion, suppleness of the skin and disorders of female reproductive organs. Seeds are applied for the treatment of worm infestations and allergic skin conditions. Clinical studies have proved that seeds of Palash help in roundworm infestations. Gum is used in Ayurvedic formulations to improve spermatogenesis.
The gum, seeds, flowers, barks and leaves have great medicinal value. Externally, the local bath with the decoction of its bark in useful in bleeding piles and flowers (made hot) below the naval facilitate the micturation. On scorpion sting, the seeds mashed in the water and the paste is applied, with great benefit. The paste of seeds is also applied in skin diseases, edema and diseases of the eye. The seed powder, in the form of nasal drops, helps to regain the consciousness in epilepsy. The paste of seeds, matted in lemon juice, is an effective panacea for skin diseases like eczema, tinea and ringworm.
Internally, palasa is useful in vast range of diseases. In diarrhea, dysentery and colitis, first the decoction of its fruits by itself or with hot milk is given to cleanse the bowels (mala sodhana). Followed by the gum powder with hot water, for prompt astringent or anti-diarrhoeal action. Palasa helps for healing the intestinal ulcers. The flowers are useful in fever, thirst and diarrhea. In worm infestations, the powder of seeds is given along with honey (except in pitta constitution). The combination palasa, vidanga, kampillaka and ajavayana in the dosage 1-2 gm daily, prevents the recurrent worm infestations. In the day to day practice, the seeds matted with milk (20-30 ml) is given for three consecutive days, on empty stomach, followed by a laxative like castor oil on fourth day. The ksara of palasa is beneficial in ascites, tumours and abdominal pain. In piles, associated with constipation, the seed powder is given by itself, to facilitate the motions smoothly. The gum and flowers are benevolent in raktapitta. The decoction of the bark skin, cooled and mixed with sugar is recommended in raktapitta. The decoction of the flowers is extremely beneficial in strangury and dysuria. The bark skin, gum and flowers, because of their astringent rasa, promote the callus formation in the fractures of the bones. In sexual debility, the gum and seeds are valuable. The flowers are useful to alleviate leucorrhea, whereas, the palasa ksara mitigates the tumours and oligomenorrhea. The gum along with sugar, works well as a general tonic and along with amalaki (Phyllanthus emblika) as an aphrodisiac. The decoction of bark skin is useful in obesity associated with sexual debility, as it stimulates the medogni. The decoction of the roots, given along with honey and rock candy is salubrious in sexual debility. The powder of dried flowers given along with the milk and sugar works well as a potent diuretic and alleviates edema.
Flowers are used in burning sensation and useful in skin diseases
- Fruits cure diseases related to urine, piles, worms, abdomen etc.
- Fruits are aphrodisiac and anthelmintic.
- It cures diarrhea.
I have some old me please.